tkinter.simpledialogīasic dialogs and convenience functions. Text widget with a vertical scroll bar built in. ssageboxĪccess to standard Tk dialog boxes. tkinter.filedialogĬommon dialogs to allow the user to specify a file to open or save. mondialogīase class for the dialogs defined in the other modules listed here. lorchooserĭialog to let the user choose a color. The modules that provide Tk support include: tkinter Subsystem initialized) by calling its loadtk() method. An objectĬreated by the Tcl() object can have a Toplevel window created (and the Tk
Where one cannot (such as Unix/Linux systems without an X server). This is most often useful when driving the Tcl interpreter in anĮnvironment where one doesn’t want to create extraneous toplevel windows, or
That created by the Tk class, except that it does not initialize the Tk The Tcl() function is a factory function which creates an object much like Tcl ( screenName = None, baseName = None, className = 'Tk', useTk = 0 ) ¶ Widget of Tk which usually is the main window of an application. The Tk class is instantiated without arguments. Tk ( screenName = None, baseName = None, className = 'Tk', useTk = 1 ) ¶ Tk and/or Ttk packages, which will in turn make calls to Xlib, Cocoa, or GDI.įrom tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk class tkinter.
The Tcl interpreter will then call into the Tcl command string to an internal _tkinter binary module, which thenĬalls the Tcl interpreter to evaluate it. The tkinter module first assembles a Tcl/Tk command string. When your Python application uses a class in Tkinter, e.g., to create a widget, I.e., Xlib on Unix/X11, Cocoa on macOS, GDI on Windows. Internally, Tk and Ttk use facilities of the underlying operating system, Pythonīindings are provided in a separate module, tkinter.ttk. Ttk is distributed as part of Tk, starting with Tk version 8.5. Themed Tk (Ttk) is a newer family of Tk widgets that provide a much betterĪppearance on different platforms than many of the classic Tk widgets. Tk uses Tcl’s event queue to generate and process GUI events. Tk’s widgets are very customizable, though at the cost of a dated appearance. Tk object embeds its own Tcl interpreter instance with Tk loaded into That adds custom commands to create and manipulate GUI widgets. Multitasking, and Tkinter bridges this difference Unlike Python, Tcl’s execution model is designed around cooperative Each interpreter has an event queue,Īnd there are facilities to send events to it and process them. The Tcl library has a C interface toĬreate and manage one or more instances of a Tcl interpreter, run TclĬommands and scripts in those instances, and add custom commands Most commonly embedded into C applications as a scripting engine or an It can be used on its own as a general-purpose programming language, it is Tcl is a dynamic interpreted programming language, just like Python. Python’s binary releases also ship an add-on module Modules, each with separate functionality and its own officialĭocumentation. Tcl/Tk is not a single library but rather consists of a few distinct This documentation will concentrate on theseĪdditions and changes, and refer to the official Tcl/Tk documentation for Tkinter is not a thin wrapper, but adds a fair amount of its own logic to
See the source code for the _tkinter moduleįor more information about supported versions. The official Python binary release bundles Tcl/Tk 8.6 Tkinter supports a range of Tcl/Tk versions, built either with or Installed, so you can read the Tcl/Tk documentation specific to that version. Properly installed on your system, and also showing what version of Tcl/Tk is Running python -m tkinter from the command line should open a windowĭemonstrating a simple Tk interface, letting you know that tkinter is
Platforms, including macOS, as well as on Windows systems. Both Tk and tkinter are available on most Unix The tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is the standard Python interface to